Before man realized the importance of a roof, they used a simple vegetation thatch. Straw, clay, soil, and seaweed were used to construct roofing. The most common are now shingles and tile, which are more durable, resistant to fire, climate friendly, etc. The roofing contractors of Chicago can help you create a stunning roof above your building.
In many Asian countries, bamboo, leaves of coconut trees and bark from certain trees were used for centuries. Bamboo was used to construct the buildings and for their outer layer. Bamboo stems were split, turned alternately and placed at the top. In some cases, the thick bark from certain trees is peeled and used to cover roofs. People in underdeveloped and developing countries still build roofs above their heads using simple bio-based or organic materials.
New roofing materials that include synthetics may offer protection and durability to consumers but they may also pose environmental risks. Both the governments and the businesses are promoting the use of green products. Now that the world is fully aware of global warming, pollution and increased air pollutants, the demand for roofing made from organic materials is on the increase.
Chicago's building and construction authority wants to be able to do business in a more environmentally friendly way. A new energy code was adopted on June 6, 2001. It is called the Amendment of Title 18f Municipal Code of Chicago Regarding Energy Efficient requirements.
The new code includes:
Insulation requirements for walls, ceilings and roofs
A registered energy professional must certify the building plan.
The insulation requirements for roofs must be approved both by CRCA and NRCA.
Johns Manville - a Berkshire Hathaway company - and Green products LLC have developed an innovative bio product, called Clean and Green Roofing Solution. The Clean and Green Roofing Solution is made from soya beans.
U.S Equities Realty in Chicago, an facility management firm wanted to replace its old black asphalt-covered roof. They decided to go with the Clean and Green Roofing Solution, an organic roof. The new roof material has a high reflective quality, is non-toxic, and flame-resistant. Its main feature is its ability to reduce the temperature inside as well as outside of a building's construction.
Air conditioners are less needed when the temperature is cooler. The use of electricity is reduced, thus saving resources.
Johns Manville’s JMCleanBond roof system can be combined with Environmental Liquid membrane System of Green Products LLC into a single roofing material that combines the best of both materials. John Manville JMCleanBond SBS is a fire-resistant roofing membrane that does not require any heat or solvent adhesives to install.
Environmental Liquid Membrane System (ELMS), a biological membrane made of soy, is USDA-certified. The membrane is water-proof and can be installed in any area of a building where water may pool.
Chicago was home to the first association of roofing contractors in 1870. In 1871, the great Chicago Fire had a devastating effect on people and homes. There was a huge need for roofs to be re-constructed for homes and businesses after the Chicago fire. However, few experts were available who could do this in a short time.
M.W Powell invited other specialists to help re-build the roofs. M.W Powell, along with other experts and professionals pooled their resources to meet the demand for roofing in Chicago. This incident made it clear that professional and strong roofers were needed. The Roofing Contractors Association was formed in the United States as a result of this incident.
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